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Scan the sample workshops below or schedule a meeting to craft a professional development experience that will support you and your colleagues. You will find professional development opportunities that:

•Engage learners in authentic learning experiences

•Explore practical skills and mindsets supporting productive and fulfilling work

•Examine research informed principles that are effective in a variety of settings


Sample Professional Development Opportunities

Navigating Facilitator Mindsets & Teachers as Facilitators

Effective facilitation fosters meeting productivity, job satisfaction, and outcomes while balancing expectations and peer connections. This workshop equips leaders with guiding principles and strategies to elicit diverse perspectives and navigate challenges confidently that result in creative solutions. It provides insights and skills to drive positive workplace change.

Flower coming up through dry, cracked ground

Moving from Challenging to Rewarding Conversations

Wherever there are human beings there is diversity in thinking, values, beliefs, and ideas. The way individuals communicate influences relationships and teams in organizations. Conflict does not need to be an intimidating word. This interactive workshop will explore the types of conflict and encourage self-reflection of participants personal approach to conflict.



Optimizing Polarities

Polarities are natural tensions found in all social systems. They are seemingly opposite ideas, such as stability and change, that are both needed at the same time for healthy systems. This workshop will help you identify polarities in your daily experiences. apply the use of a tool to make polarities visible, finding ways to maintain balance.

Two cartoon people popping out of laptops and shaking hands


Reflective Supervision

Reflective Supervision is a valuable process used in many disciplines such as therapeutic work, home visiting, healthcare, etc. Taking time to pause, reflect on our work and create a responsive plan of action enhances the work we are doing with individuals and groups. Having the support of a reflective supervisor allows the expansion of perceptions and increased capabilities. 

Adaptive Organizations/ Schools Training

The Adaptive Organizations/ Schools Foundation Seminar presents a productive, practical set of ideas and tools for developing collaborative groups in becoming effective and better equipped to resolve complex issues in schools and organizations. The work of the Adaptive Organizations/ Schools Seminars is to develop the resources and capacities of the organization and of individuals to cohesively respond to changing needs.


Partnering with Parents for Positive Change

Have you ever gone on a home visit and wondered if you are really making a difference? Sometimes it is about noticing the small changes. This interactive workshop will explore ways to partner with families through the change process. You will take a deeper dive into the change process and strategies that will support you in your work.

Group working together

Facilitate Learning Communities of Practice

Communities of practice are a great way to continue professional development and learn from each other. A facilitator provides structures and processes that allow meaningful dialogue and learning to occur.

Yellow Brick road

Photo by: akshay-nanavati-unsplash

We Aren't in Kansas Anymore. Building Relationships in the Virtual World

We are in a new era learning to navigate relationships in a virtual world. Relationships begin in the first 40 seconds of connection! This workshop will give you concrete strategies and considerations for building rapport and building quality relationships in the virtual world.

Christine Presenting

Virtual and In Person Presentation /Facilitation Skills

Christine draws from adult learning principles, engagement strategies, and group dynamics to support others in growing and refining their presentation and facilitation skills.

arrows pointing in three directions with shoes standing in the middle

Change? Who Me?

Change can be challenging, and it’s critical for organizations to adapt to our ever-changing world. Learn how to reduce stress while engaging in more effective change processes.

Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE)

Is your school or organization incorporating trauma informed practice into your work? This may be the workshop for you! Positive childhood experiences (PCEs) can ease toxic stress and help children grow into more resilient, healthier adults and mitigate the affects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

This workshop includes:

  • Research behind HOPE

  • Four building blocks of HOPE

  • HOPE in practice