In your work as a coach you get an opportunity to impact people, practice, quality and outcomes. This learning series will support you in your intentional growth in your role as a coach or mentor. Participating shared that participating in this learning cohort has resulted in upping their game in their roles as coaches and in their planning and execution of their facilitation in Communities of Practice.
As part of the cohort, you will be assigned a 15-30 minute reading and some practice activities in between meetings. The practice is incorporated into the work you are doing because after all… that’s the point! To enhance your daily practice. One example of that is, you may be asked to choose a regular meeting you have and pay attention to how you are posing questions and practice a new way to pose questions. The group will meet monthly for one hour to reflect on your experiences and to learn and practice new skills together. What better way to grow coaching skills then to learn and practice together!
This cohort is scheduled monthly for 12 months. Contact LearningWorks with questions and/or accessibility needs.